Sunday 28 February 2010

Creating over Creation

"It is by faith that we understand the universe was formed at God's command and therefore that which is seen was made out of that which is unseen". This is how Hebrews eleven tells us, regardless of our take on evolution, that anyone who believes in a creator God as per the opening words of the Creed is a creationist. But apparently, 'true' believers' cannot support evolution. Not only that but a man I met this week explained how, as an evolutionist, his beliefs meant he could never become a Christian (or at least that's what 'Christians' had told him).

I never realised that this was such a salvation issue and worse still, that it presented such a bar to becoming a believer. As one well meaning Christian told me regarding this topic, "If you're not 'young earth', then you're not a true Christian!" The earth was apparently formed at 3:15pm on a Monday afternoon some seven thousand years ago and if you don't believe that then you're not truly saved! But there's more; If you don't believe in seven literal days of creation then you're apparently denying the Bible such that not only do you have no faith but you're a heretic as well! And this is all before we even open up the can of beans that is Darwin.

Perhaps you're up on this area and can make sense of it all - if so, I'm all ears - tell me how it works. If you're as confused as me by all the mumbo-jumbo, pseudo-scientific, "I have a God who needs me to skew reality and turn real science on it's head so that Him and His Bible all look good," stuff then join me over the next few weeks on a journey of discovery.

I really don't see this as a salvation issue - perhaps I'm wrong. I also don't see Darwin as an enemy of  Christianity, but then again I could be wrong. So - off we go, let's see what evolves ;-)

1 comment:

Helegant said...

Careful Vic, you might be joining me on the liberal evangelical bench soon ;-)
On a more serious note I have observed that part of the arsenal of abuse that is thrown at Christianity by some of the more miltant atheists includes a substantial misunderstanding, (which does not wish to be disabused) that all Christians are young-earth creationists. Some are. A lot are not.