Thursday 1 July 2010

The work is plenty and the . . .

Workers are so very often, it appears, nowhere to be seen!

It's fun when you talk to people about 'church' and 'making a difference' because it seems that when God shakes the sieve (or should that be a riddle?) there are three different sized holes the people in your church fall through. These are labelled:

"This is something that really needs to be done, someone needs to do it!",

"Sorry but it's just not my calling!", and

"I'm nowhere to be found!"

Those who haven't fallen through the holes are the people who actually remain and get down and do the jobs that come up. Now I struggle with this because I have recently been classified as 'one of those people who has to do things!'. It seems to me that I have a number of problems that come together into one large and extremely obvious problem. It works like this:

1. I see a need, problem or issue and immediately look at ways in which it can be resolved.

2. I (often foolishly) assume that others, also seeing the need, problem or issue will jump in and engage with me to work together to resolve the issue before us.

3. People tell me of their 'concerns' and point to needs that they have identified. (I foolishly assume that for them this is a '1.' and they will take a lead in resolving the issues and am so often disappointed).

These three points lead me to many questions, namely:

How do I help people to respond to the needs I, or they, identify?

Why are so many of the people who are hoping for growth also hoping that someone else will do it?

If we can satisfy these tow very basic questions we have the basis of the beginning of the start of becoming a missionary congregation. Prayer is always adequate and important but is always uncontrollable and edgy (in a sanctified sort of way) but there's more to it than just praying and 'leaving it to God!' Mind you, it's a great caveat.

"Oh, I'm praying about the issue (job done)

Over to you then God, I've done my bit ;-)

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