Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow and Stockpiling: Biscuits

At last it is snowing and everyone's rushing to buy stuff other people want  in case there's a shortage.

So, which biscuits do you stockpile? 

Add your favourit biscuits to the comments here or add them on Twitter at:


To start the ball rolling, my choice would have to be:


Pink Wafers, and

Jaffa Cakes


Michael W said...

Fruit shortcake. There is no other biscuit.

Paul R said...


Maroulla said...

Savage Digestives, custard creams and bourbons :-)

Nick said...

Not technically a biscuit but... Tunnocks Caramel Wafers!

Nick said...

Not technically a biscuit but... Tunnocks Caramel Wafers!

Soup D said...

Tunnocks caramel wafers - so good he wrote it twice!!! :)

Rob B said...

Hob knobs - they are the SAS of biscuits unlike Rich Tea that fall apart at the first dunk!!!! Hob knobs on the other hand well they just shout back at you "Dip me - Dip me again - I said dip me" hob knobs now there is a biscuit lol

Nicky Abram said...

Hiya, Jaffa cakes and kitkat but they disappear as soon as I put them in the tin..