Open Doors partners in Iraq have responded rapidly as Christians flee intense persecution in Mosul from militant Islamic group, ISIS. They need your support and prayers to continue to provide emergency relief for 2,000 of the families most in need.
One of our local workers said:
"When people are arriving without any food or water, on foot, having walked for half a day or longer, with only a plastic bag containing their belongings, you just want to provide help. What else can you do?"
Will you please support our Iraq emergency appeal today?
A gift of £18 can provide an emergency family relief pack for a family of four, to last a week. Each pack contains essential items like food, medicine, pillows, blankets, cooking and eating utensils, air cooler and hygiene kits
Each pack contains essential items like food, water, medicine, pillows, blankets, air coolers, cooking and eating utensils, and hygiene kits.
And please pray for safety, guidance and strength for local Open Doors partners as they bring God’s hope to these broken Christian families and many others who have fled their homes.
You can call the Inspire Team on 01993 777 300 to make a donation during office hours or use the form below. To give from the Republic of Ireland please download this PDF
Any excess funds will be used to support persecuted Christians where the need is greatest.
I have just made a donation, but after thought, prayer, and reading your last few posts, I have also made a similar donation World Vision's Gaza appeal.
Ironically, as I start to type this, Radio 4 has just started broadcasting a Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Gaza, so I take some of your points about possibly unequal reporting. However, I would also point out that, with a few notable exceptions, the Gazan Palestinians has few friends in high places in the West, whereas there appears to be a lot more willingness to get at least partially involved in Iraq again.
Really, I am led to speculate after reading the Open Doors website, whether I should, as a Christian, specifically support an organisation offering aid specifically to other Christians, over and about a group like World Vision who, whilst they seem to be ever more overtly Christian, are very definite that they see their role as to support the needy of any faith or none. Whilst I fully accept that what is being done to Iraqi Christians is horrific, my understanding is that Shia Muslims face being killed as well. You did comment yesterday: "Please support those under threat (all faiths)" and that is what my heart says. I cannot believe that our Father weeps more for the children butchered in Mosul than He does for those bombed in Gaza.
Perhaps I should not be so negative about supporting such brave organisations, I just might have been a bit more comfortable if their support was for All of the needy.
Am I wrong?
I think you are very right :) this is why I like Canon Andrew White's FRME org based in Baghdad as they support the needy and faith is not a prerequisite for that support.
I have supported those in Gaza before but feel the tide is turning in favour of the Iraq situation. I'd hate to think I diverted from either need (both are real).
Thank You for acting :-)
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