The organ (AKA 'the king of instruments') and the English choral tradition have been the backbone of the worshipping communities in this land of ours since the instrument was invented. Add to this the Book of Common Prayer (still the principal prayer book of the Church of England) services of Communion, Matins and Evensong with anthems, pointed psalms and hymns and bingo - life is sublime.
Last week I was privileged to be part of an exceedingly good reflective evening as our parish choir led us with 'Darkness to Light' . Like many church choirs, those who took part had many years on the clock but that only added to my respect as they moved around the church building and led us in music, voice and Scripture; as they processed on their journey, we too began our journey.
So this is but a passing nod to those stalwart members of our churches across this land of ours who give up evenings to practice and Sundays to lead their congregations - and a thumbs up to those who keep the choral tradition supported by their playing of the organ and other instruments. Worship is made up of hearts, minds, words (and silence) and music - let us never ever think that there's only one way to do church - nor look only to modern music and instruments as the way to attract people to church.
Here are some images of those of whom I am so very proud to know and worship alongside and of whose presence I and so very grateful:
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Can you see him here! |
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Can you see him here?! |
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Where's Wally? |
(and to the choir members: help yourselves to these images - I've posted them for you to have access to them and point friend here too so they can celebrate with us)
ps. Organisations to join (or at least support):
Royal School of Church Music
Prayer Book Society
Gregorian Association
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