Friday, 19 October 2018

'Third Places : Last Chance Saloon?

The concept of the ‘third place’ and the potential it has with regard to the establishment of new (fresh) expressions of Church is one of the challenges the Mission Shaped Ministry course presents. The problem is that so often we find ourselves discussing it and getting excited as we look at ways of engaging in ‘churcification’ rather than inculturation and Church becoming something real for those who aren’t Church.

The term ‘Third Place’ comes from work by American sociologist Ray Oldenburg as described in his book 'The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community'.

Oldenburg recognised that the people before him were increasingly living lives lived between two places, namely their homes and their workplaces. Working in the City of London’s finance sector this truth was obvious and evident: Work began with the train - happened in the workplace - ended with the train home. Home was the ‘other’ place where we ate, relaxed and slept!

Some of my fellow workers had a place which wasn’t work or home; a place where they socialised, relaxed, engaged with, and were engaged with. This was the place (A ‘Third Place’) where they seemed to come alive.

One friend went to a bookshop where along with books there was tea, coffee and food on offer. They went every week and listened to writers being interviewed and new books released. Soon they were in a reading group and their fellow readers became a new family for them. They even ended up marrying someone they’d met there!

Another person popped into a local pub and found they had a jazz club. Soon it became a regular weekly thing and as time progressed they had a circle of friends and there were meals, concerts, trips abroad and they’d learnt to play an instrument and joined a band.

We probably all know someone who has found their own ‘third place’. For some time it was rowing and flying clubs that shared this label until church that became my third place. It was a place where I socialised and became part of a family and belonged. It was a place where I found myself going to twice on a Sunday and two or three times during the week!

One of the most important things about a third place is that it is a place where people feel at ease and can socialise in a safe and enabling way. The problem is that we can end up making church a one day offering, but let’s be honest and admit that for many of the churchgoers we know it’s all about one day with one service time slot!

We probably all know somebody whose third place is a pub or bar and more often than not they will be found there more than once a week. They consider themselves to be part of the place and they have a special relationship with the regulars. This is true of the Tamworth micropub, the King’s Ditch, where regulars come to enjoy the beers and ciders on offer and to engage in conversation with those around them (and there’s no music to separate those who come from those around them - what’s on offer is naked community).

Just like pubs and other third places with opening hours, the same is true with church with its early, later and evening opening hours (and was also true for the early Church too). The third place is a place of belonging, conversation and welcome. It’s a place which opens up so much to those who are isolated and trapped in their daily living.

The message of salvation through Jesus, The Christ, and His sacrifice on the cross is about being incarnate; that is ‘being flesh’. This what a third place also offers those who come: Engagement with real people. Jesus is the realest person I know, so doesn’t it make sense that the third places welcome Him And encourage relationships to be forged with Him there too?

I’d like to challenge you to think about your third places.

Do you take Jesus there with you or do you leave him at the door (isn't that denying Him)?

When you are in your third place are you prepared to “Give an answer for the hope that you have in Jesus?”

If you don’t have a third place, where could you find one? What would you look for?

Have a think about my questions. We will be coming back to them some time soon.

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