Wednesday 11 August 2010

Free fireworks show

One of my (many) hobbies and interests happens to be astronomy. This time of the year offers the chance to see one of 'God's firework displays'- the Persieds.

The Persieds (a meteor shower that surrounds the Swift-Tuttle) can easily be seen and the peak of this year's activity is the 12/13th August (Thursday/Friday).

For those who know where the constellation. 'Perseus' is, this is where the source (AKA 'the radiant') is.

For those who don't do the astronomy thing, just look up for a few minutes when it's dark and you won't be disappointed. At peak activity you can have one every fifty seconds and with no moon it's more spectacular (as last night proved).

This year's activity is between the 23rd July and the 24th August - but things are best tonight and the Saturday as they diminish quite rapidly.

Have a look - it's spectacular.

1 comment:

Undergroundpewster said...

We have been bogged down by summer haze, heat, light pollution, and humidity this year. Alas no Perseids visible. I await the Geminids, but I have not checked to see if the moon is favorable, and if my schedule will permit me to flee the city lights.