Saturday 2 July 2011

Healing - Fact or fiction 2

Up in the Rift Valley, Kenya, we'd been engaged in some rural evangelism and after the preaching it was announced that we'd be praying for those who were sick. I was grabbed (literally) and taken to a woman who wanted prayer for healing. "what is wrong with her?" I asked. The response was that she was blind!

I have to be honest and say that I wanted to get out of there. I believed God 'could' heal but that hadn't generally been my experience. I would have been O.K. with a headache or something a bit abstract and lightweight, but blind was a bit over the top!

It was obvious that I wasn't going to get out of it (I remember thinking I'd try and see if I could slip off to get my Bible!) and so I stuck out a hand and prayed two of my favourite prayers, 'oh God' and 'help'. I could feel something was happening as I prayed for those blind eyes to see (heat, tingling electric sort of stuff and the like).

When the feeling sort of stopped I asked the woman (through a translator) how she felt. After a brief conversation the people clapped and cheered and the translator said, "She can see."

To be honest here, my first thoughts were that she could see all along (always the cynic me!) and that what we really had was an error in initial translation which meant that 'she can see' was the starting state as well!

Someone came into the crush and after a quick chat it transpired that there was a lot of blindness in the region (something about volcanic ash was Mentioned) and that she had been blind for some time and now wasn't!

Relieved, shell-shocked and I don't know what I felt, it was all a bit heady, confusing and disorientating, I believed in healing but this was up close and personal in a really big way! I turned, only to find another candidate for prayer and of course she was also blind! Repeat prayers (blind eye see had been added after my favourite two prayers, so I continued with that) and end up with the same response and result (except I was more expectant/believing/less surprised perhaps).

Again the people were buzzing and up came a third person, obviously blind (White eyes are a give away aren't they?) but still I asked and prayed and opened my eyes to look into two brown eyes without a hint of white to be seen anywhere! I didn't bother to ask, but someone else did and the praised God (of course).

After that I managed to get back to the matatu (the bus I was driving) and once inside, my wheels fell off. If God could do what He'd just done using me then I'd got Him very wrong indeed! I understood the 'get away from me God, I'm a sinful man' bit and realised something if His immensity in one experience.

The sad bit was that later, back in the UK, I struggled to understand how we could see what we did (for there was much more) in Africa and yet fail to see the same thing on our shores. We were the same people and God was the same God so what was it? Faith, expectation, mindset (we know so much and see so little whilst they knew God but were less 'sophisticated').

what was it in us that meant we didn't see what we had seen elsewhere and even though my expectations were high, for healing was now a reality not just something I believed yet didn't expect to see in some sort of dispensationalist or rational way, it wasn't the same!

I still don't understand and to be honest, over the intervening years I have stopped asking (but now I'm going to have to start again :( ), but my experience tells me that God does heal even though my 'now' sort of denies it. Chronos and kairos? Just a lucky night? Can't have been for there were so many people and so many nights in so many different places.

Bottom line - healing sure isn't fiction and surely there must be some of the robustness in the evidence out there?


ps. my scientific and engineering background always calls for empirical proof. That night I got what I hadn't sought and realised that what I'd never thought about in any real way was something that I should expect and was real. Care on the streets - nope, should be healing on the streets, now I have to understand how and why. Also healing is not the gift in the box but it is a gift.

God is not an equation: Sickness + prayer + God = whatsoever God fancies it being.

We cannot manipulate Him by transposition nor apply Him as a constant, and yet he is not hypothesis either. He is a variably constant constant - hallelujah!


Ray Barnes said...

What a shattering experience that must have been.
Ever cynical and suspicious I envy you, not the ability to be the 'transmitter' but actually having seen it at first hand.
Have you ever tried to heal someone here, with the usual sceptics surrounding you.
Perhaps the Lord is more accessible if the crowd is a naive one. (I don't mean that in a derogatory way)

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

The problem is that I recall this as a reality (for it was) and realise that I have slipped back into believing healing can happen (seen it) but perhaps no longer expecting it.

Like the excitement and zeal when first coming to faith my (I don't know what) is tempered by a lack of it (generally, for we do pray and do see healing where I am).

I have prayed for healing with skeptics around me and have seen healing and other 'miraculous' things.

Go to go, doing phase 1 padre's sessions after they've done eight miles (lol, tough having a dog-collar, tougher still keeping them awake on a hot day - feel Team America coming on),