Monday, 26 December 2016

A day of relaxation and reflection

Today is a day to be chilled in - the kid's played Monopoly (of the Pokemon kind), the dogs were walked and football was watched.

But there was still some time for the pastoral and for prayer and reading and reflection - which is only right and fitting really, otherwise I wouldn't know who I was :-)

Jesus has been remembered, people have been ministered too and God continues to be good - and unlike many of the gifts to be replaced, rejected or stuck in a cupboard until a decent time has been observed for them to be binned arrives; I wonder how many of us will have found a new enthusiasm for Him over the coming months?

Merry Christmas

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I call these fallow days between Christmas and the New Year.

Everything apart from essential services comes to a stop as people take a break from their frenetic lives and chill out. For me, it's a time for reading and reflection on two back-to-back modules for my LLM training starting soon. I have downloaded suggested resources and have some books to read. Preaching in Public Ministry is one module. This will build on the experience that my incumbent has permitted me to have in preaching 6 times a year over the past two years. It will be interesting to see what I have got right and what I could have done better.

The second one is Healing and Wholeness, which I have been involved in but need to know more about. Again, it could be challenging, but really worthwhile.

I have to wait to the end of 2017 to do two more modules, Worship in Public Ministry and Chaplaincy. But will be licensed in May, given the badge of a novice Reader, and with CPD in the future. All for free - I hope that the Churches investment in my training will bear fruit. I see some already, but much more is needed.

I wish you a happy, peaceful and grace filled new year.