Sunday, 11 December 2016

Ho, ho, ho

Holy cow!

Been one of those Saturdays with paperwork rather than people have taken up all my time, but I've cleared away so much it has to be good - even if it's only because I won't have to do it again!

Was looking to having a quieter run into Christmas this year but once again I have almost as more stuff than time to do it in :-(. And that is destined to leave me knackered,

But hey ho, 2017 is getting filled up and 2018 is also starting to show signs of healthy engagement ahead. So what can I do but thank God for the day God, comment my sleep to Him and look forward to a great Sunday in prospect.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Admin is a necessary evil. We are fortunate to have a very able church administrator, who is also PCC Secretary with her own parish, and is a former deanery and diocese synnod memhber and lay chair. She knows the church inside out and is a gift to us.