Monday, 22 May 2017

Journal: Whoosh!

That's the only word I can use to describe today: whoosh!!!

Started early with som pastoral stuff, found myself in church with a new verger having opened up and laid up - which was a bit of a surprise - apart from the confusionmade me smile too. Had a nice gentle second service, with a sermon I really enjoyed doing, before rushing off to find an empty church for a baptism that didn't exist - a pity as they cause the congregation to rush off. We really need to stop putting empty slots on the diary as something that might happen, frightens the sheep and makes me travel for no good reason (as they haven't made tea and the biscuits have been hidden!

But the gem came in the shape of scattering ashes in a favourite spot as the sun shone and the place lit up. The pain of the finality, on a parallel with the curtains closing at the Crem' or the clods of earth resounding as they hit the coffin, was immense. We are so very privileged as clergy to find ourselves sharing in this most intimate moment and the key is to be there to facilitate and support and to be sensitive enough to know when it is a personal family moment and quietly duck out.

The evening service was a joy - deep theology deleivered lightly amongst some interesting liturgy - and the blessing that a final service of the day brings regardless of its flavour. Compline or Taizé bring their special mark to such a service whilst the rhythms that are BCP services act like a sunset to proclaim something special, but tonight, Common Worship, despite the cut and paste feel this sometimes brings, was lost in the word and sacrament and so at the close one could walk away blessed and complete in Christ.

Then a change of pace as posters for the hustings and the next 'Dying -in the Ditch' were delivered to a few places, including the Ditch where a slow half and a discussion between the youngest and the wife in readiness for today's English exam rounded off the day. People, I love people!

So now, here I am at four in the morning and reflecting and giving thanks for all that has been and about to embark upon my daily office feeling so very blessed and fortunate to be working with God.

The day now gone was rather beautiful in its diversity and the oneness of the Trinity - and in a spirit of relaxed chilled joy - Let's get this new day started . . .

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