Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Today (23 Feb) the Church celebrates the life and ministry of Polycarp and reflects upon his martyrdom

Polycarp (of Smyrna) is honoured as one of the first Christian martyrs. He had been Bishop of Smyrna on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor for over forty years when the persecution of Christians began. He was arrested and given the option to renounce his faith and so save his life.

His response was: ‘I have been Christ’s servant for eighty-six years and he has done me no harm. Can I now blaspheme my King and my Saviour?’ He was immediately burnt at the stake.

His remains were gathered together and buried outside the city; thus began the practice of celebrating the eucharist over his burial place on the anniversary of his death, a practice which also grew over the martyrs’ tombs in the Roman catacombs.

Polycarp died in the year 155.

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