Friday 22 April 2011

Finished? It hasn't started yet!

Four O'clock in the morning and I see the words, "It is finished! all the debt is paid!"

My mind, full of being somewhere else, the turmoil of being betrayed by Judas, seized by men with mob, clubs and swords at the ready and dragged before the High Priest and Elders, has gone. The visits to Herod and Pilate are passed by and the cries of 'crucify him' are never aired.

Before it has even begun, Good Friday is done and we can rush, triumphantly, towards the victory of Easter Sunday.

Can we not watch with him these short hours?

Must we hasten past today to avoid the guilt, the pain, the sheer bloody horror of it all to embrace the triumph and the victory?

I think not.

Snatched from the garden,
Betrayed by a friend,
Bound and accused,
Spat upon and beaten,
All for me - I love you.

Give me the courage to follow where You lead,
To stand before accusers and bless, not condemn.
To show in my life, just a little of the reality that is You.
To walk towards the Cross down a one-way street,
knowing - this is just the beginning!

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