Tuesday 10 April 2012

Syria - Putin the effort

It seems to me that with regard to Syria the time has come for Russia, in the form of that nice Mr Putin, to step up to the plate and swing the bat. Although the Security Council of the UN has both Russia and China sitting around the table as permanent members, it has predominantly been the other nations who have made a stand and acted against such excesses as we see in Syria. China and Russia, perhaps fearing for responses against their one historical excesses, have vetoed or, at best, remained silent on 'interfering with the running of 'independent' nations.

Well, the citizens of Syria are dying and it seems to me that Putin needs to make a stand and, as the nation's strongest friend, issue a resounding 'nyet' to Mr Assad and the duplicitous and wilful murder of his own people.

Kofi Anan's ceasefire lays in tatters and it is obvious that Mr Assad (AKA 'Basher Bonker' after the fighting robot game)had no intention to stop the killing. The late demands upon those who oppose Basher B were puerile and indicate that the time has come for the rest of the world to say 'enough' and make a stand and this needs to be led by Russia (and then perhaps China could have a quiet word with a few nations they support too?).

The problem with ceasefires between equally sized or equipped forces is that they are often used to regroup, resupply and otherwise bolster their positions under the cover of diplomatic talks. When we have one larger, well-equipped, force and a people's militia the ceasefire often acts against the weaker side. This, coupled with demands for surrender of weapons and other potentially suicidal acts from Assad's side are cynical and ridiculous.

So here we are - It's April 10 and

1. The Government have not withdrawn troops and AFVs and the like from the towns, cities and villages.

2. There is obviously no cessation of military action from the government forces and if this is not forthcoming then there is no call on the opposition to recognise the ceasefire either.

When will we decide that 'Never Again' means 'Never Again' regardless of location?

Croatia, Rwanda and so many other places are all moving up to accomodate Syria - We need to act and we need Russia to act with diplomacy as a wise friend to Syria and take its place as a major world player rather than looking to its own interests. We need peace and we need it the right way - we don't need another Gaddafi styled execution of a leader, we need the rule of law to be done and seen to be done through political means rather than force (and if this fails . . . . )


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