Friday 24 January 2014

Holocaust Memorial Day 2014

Yes, I know the actual day is January 27 (the day Russian troops entered the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in 1945 and liberated those within its fences). But I wanted to lay down a marker so that those who will be in church this weekend make sure that it is remembered in the prayers (or a candle lit or whatever you do where you are) and marked.

Today I find myself talking to people of varying ages over the SHOAH - the Hebrew word for 'desolation' which is preferable to 'holocaust' ('burnt offering') in that those who died under the Nazi German regime. Alongside this will be dealing with the (too) many acts of genocide before and since that awful event and the eight stages of genocide and some 'Journey' stories.

Not too late to do something or get involved - you can visit here

There will be a service or event somewhere near you (we even do one on the Sunday evening service slot at 6pm)

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