Thursday, 22 December 2016

A prayer on the train

or in the bus or in the car, walking to work, working at home - or just being:

Dear God, You know me. Don't you?
I'm not just a person on a bus or a train.
I'm not just another face on CCTV;
or just another login name.
I'm me, and I have stuff going on.

Love life issues;
bills to pay.
Egos at work to deal with;
an overflowing inbox.

So please, give me strength.
Guide me to focus on what's really important.
And help me make the most of every moment of this new day in this new month.
Thank you.


1 comment:

UKViewer said...

"So please, give me strength.
Guide me to focus on what's really important.
And help me make the most of every moment of this new day in this new month.
Thank you.


Amen indeed. Lord, Graciously Hear Us.