Saturday, 10 December 2016

Never give up, never give in

what a day - triumphs, reignited passion, people laid to rest; all this topped with an amazingly energetic and noisy Kid's Club. How can anyone say this calling thing is anything but varied and fun?

Lord than you for the privilege of being part of someone's funeral - the joy of discovering and communicating who the departed is in such a way that comfort, strength and the hope made real in Jesus, the Christ, is made real for those who mourn. It is sublime!

The blessing of being able to stand with others, not as Christ for them but alongside Christ with them, blessing, caring, sharing and supporting. Goodness me - how much blessing can we get in a day?

The joy of seeing connections made and steps, albeit 'baby steps' at times, is inspiring and privileged in the extreme.

Strengthen my arms that the battle may be won. Help me to contend against that which stands against us. Teach me to walk slower, listen more and be a little less excited - but not too much :-)

Help me to pray for the apparently distracted, for those who appear to think about spreadsheets and bums on pews rather than the Gospel truths. To not be caught up in the silliness of the ivory towered career rather than the kneeling in a stable worship and calling.

Help our bishops to be pastoral, preachers and exemplars, leaving the waiting at tables (and construction of them) to those who reside in the diocesan corridors. MBA or the Jesus way. Which is the one that speaks of calling?

May today's encounters have blessed those I've met and may tomorrow be a day of opportunity taken, right words spoken and Christ made real in all I do.

And for the person who was apologising more than they were an apologist for the calling in them: fill them and inspire them I pray.

Make me a blessing Lord


N Abram said...

Be blessed brother and may the Lord give you peace of mind and hold you tight in His love. In the name of Jesus. Amen

UKViewer said...


Sentiments that I can entirely agree with. Keep up God's good work.