Sunday, 4 December 2016

Saturday? Isn't that your day off?

Of course the answer is 'No!' When I served my Curacy it was made very clear that unless Saturday was my official day off, it was a working day. It can be a lighter day than the weekdays, but it most certainly isn't a day off.

I know that I struggle with the concept of days off some weeks as the pastoral needs tend to encroach and amazingly condense my 'off' time but the problems are many and varied in that I don't have a job, I have a calling. Not only that but what I do with a dogcollar I would happily have done without one as a Christian had I ended up working in the City until retirement.

'My church' is mine because I belong to it rather than own it! This is a lesson some I encounter, ordained and lay, need to learn.

Today I have engaged in some subversive Christianity and made Jesus, the Christ, known in some unusual (for Church) settings and in some amazingly God-filled settings. I have found myself greeted and acknowledged by children and adults alike and I like it. Not because I'm a celebrity (although I'll sign copies of the diocesan magazine if you want me to :-). ) but because I am part of a community - and that is the key.

Looking to see what God is doing in the lives around me; getting in step with His mission (the misseo dei is never to be missed) and reaching out to people with no visible need (always and often the neediest) my job is to make 'Christ Known'

As I reflect on the day I ask myself so many questions:
Where did I make Christ known today?
Did I do it well or did I make Christ look wrong and foolish?
Was I a 'fool for Christ' or just a fool who happens to be a believer?
Who did I bless by my presence and who would have been more blessed without it?
What has today taught me and was I willing to learn it; and willing to apply it tomorrow?

Today I took the opportunities I took, but know I could have perhaps taken more. God grant me the wisdom to see the lines I can, and should cross, and those where I need merely to pour you healing presence and step back. Help me to reach out and touch the broken with your love - to listen more - to rest in you and enjoy the scenery just a little.

I love You Lord - you float my boat and rock my socks off - you tell me that all might come near and how nothing separates Your creation from You. I just need to make Church understand that now :-)

Time for Zzzzzzzzzs - bring on tomorrow and make it a little more challenging still, I'm far too comfortable!!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Do we face each day as a challenge or an opportunity for joyous interaction?

I aspire to both. Yes to joyous action, and yes to challenges - because God gives us life to face, head on. Your post indicates that you do, oh, if more of us did the same.

We came to the end of our six sessions of the Pilgrim course yesterday evening. This has been a journey of bonding and challenging ourselves and each other as we shared, thoughts, idea's, impressions and experiences over six sessions, two of which I was privileged to lead.

Our bonding is now on hold until the next Lent course, but relationships made will continue in fellowship and love as we move on, day to day. And Advent is that time reflective worship as we prepare for the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

God be praised.