Monday, 13 February 2017

Journal: Super Sunday

An amazingly enjoyable Sunday which began with an early morning Communion in what felt like a cold store and the two services in the comfort of the home church, the last one being (as always) a sublime and gentle Taizé.

There is a real danger for those of us who minister in that we assume the mentality of it being 'just another day in the office'. But it isn't, it is so very much more than that; Sunday is our weekly mini-Easter. The Eucharistic feast, our Easter celebration, is the reason that Church still exists as it does, for had we not gathered to break bread and drink wine, we would have drifted into something very different indeed.

It is odd but the Communion service is different each and every time, and that's not because I muddle the words or engage in the art of leaving stuff out or 'wuddling my mords' (like what me Mum used to do!) - No, each service is different because the emphasis and import of words and actions in the service changes each and every time.

The joy of taking the bread and the wine and giving thanks as Jesus did in that Passover meal shared in the upper room with this followers - the 'Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam . . . ' moment when we acknowledge our Creator God. The moment when the immensity of the words, "Once for all," bringing to mind the immensity and the completeness of that one atoning act upon the cross that Jesus makes for all humanity.

How can we walk away from this service unchanged?
How can we do it justice other than to offer our lives and experience in our very beings the gift of love which being consumed, consumes us?

Lord, today I have been made different in the encounters with You - may this be true for all of us who 'do' Church and may it be found in the places I visit this week with Your celestial 'happy meal'.

For what satan has meant for evil, You turn to good.

Blessed be your name.

This place of reflection is here for me to dialogue internally and gain insight and perspective. It first appeared in this current form for some of those looking at creating their own journal as part of the their journey to discerning vocation. The Morning prayer is there also for that same purpose: to create the discipline of prayer. Dialogue, insights and experience of others concerning this entry is always welcome - all grist to the m

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