Thursday, 9 February 2017

Journal: on the road again!

But unlike hit wonder of the same name, I know this will be topping my charts again next week! But what a great day - Communion, time for a chat with people, a quick meeting and then into the proper stuff as I found myself moving around the squares and spending time with people. It was something really enjoyable and extremely important too. There were even snowflakes for a short time  too!

Theological reflection came into the equation in a big way as 'kenosis' (the 'emptying oneself of Phil 2) and the Lord's Prayer (which we might say but perhaps don't understand) muscled their way in. Lots of good stuff to ponder and make my own.

Add to this stuff surrounding unexplained deaths and that the day summed up in a nutshell.

Lord, for the engagements and interactions I have had today I am truly grateful. I love Your people and enjoy what I do (other than the paperwork and politics that is) immensely. May those I have met have been blessed and enlivened by the encounters as much as me. For the things where I have been your man, I bless you; for the tings where I might have been less than I should have been, I look to your live, correction and forgiveness.

Help me never to usurp but always work with.

Help me to see past the flaws of others and affirm the best in them, creating even more good things in them and their situations where I can.

And for the food and forgiveness that has been mine; the fellowship and relationship that have blessed; Your presence and enabling that was present: Lord, I bless You.

What you got for me tomorrow?

This place of reflection is here for me to dialogue internally and gain insight and perspective. It first appeared in this current form for some of those looking at creating their own journal as part of the their journey to discerning vocation. The Morning prayer is there also for that same purpose: to create the discipline of prayer. Dialogue, insights and experience of others concerning this entry is always welcome - all grist to the mill.

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