Monday, 6 February 2017

Journal: A peaceful end

Life is fragile at times and today I am reminded of this in the funeral visits done and the death of a friend . . . and when we are gone, what is there that remains?

memories, loved one, our children, friends, monuments to our abilities, lives changed? We take nothing from the world but we leave so much behind as a testimony to our having been here. And beyond? The words, "Death where is your sting: Grave where is your victory?" loom large.

The sting of death is obvious and the victory is found in the Christ - but the immediate pain, confusion, hopelessness are the stumbling block along the road that leads us to the cross.

So many challenges today:

How do we as ministers make sense of the stuff people experience for the people experiencing it?

How do we proclaim the love of the Christ in real and tangible ways?

How are we to live as salt and light to the world?

News that one of ours has had her motorised wheelchair stolen - a cynical and callous act leaving an old woman housebound and a victim  - adds to the challenges as some would love to leave those who took the thing wheelchair bound and the fallout is everywhere around us. But is this justice or revenge? What punishment fits the crime and, should they find those behind the theft, what punishment will they receive?

Justice and revenge, settling scores, acting the right way - more challenges for the community and for those who seek to guide and shape the public responses to be what they should be.

Lord - in your mercy - hear our prayers - and meet our needs.

Thank goodness for Micah 6

This place of reflection is here initially for me to dialogue internally and gain insight and perspective. It first appeared as an extension of this blog for some of those looking at creating their own journal as part of the their journey to discerning vocation. The Morning prayer is there also for that same purpose: to create the discipline of prayer. Dialogue, insights and experience of others concerning this entry is always welcome - all grist to the mill.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I'm still pondering on loss. Two siblings within a year, now the mother of my sister in law.

I'm not sure that I'm coping well - indeed, on the surface I am bearing up, but the inner self is reflective at times and screaming at times and emotional at times. Particularly when I than hear of a young father of two lovely children who died suddenly leaving his spouse bereft and two children (both autistic) completely confused.

I don't have the answers, only God can answer the questions I have. I spent some time yesterday evening, listening to the story of a friend, who'd sat at his grandmothers bedside in hospital for nearly 24 hours and had witnessed her death. His father, her son, is totally disabled, and two aunts are unable to help, so he has to make all of the funeral arrangements.

They are a Catholic family, although, he is an Anglican, like me, who moved from the Catholic church some years ago - it was a powerful witness for me, of the power of his prayer with and for his grand mother and the intervention of her Parish Priest, who turned up shortly before she died, saying, he just felt he needed to come. He administerd the last rites, with family present, than stayed with the family to death.

My friend, said, that the Priest arriving, prompted by something outside himself, seemed to him a bit like prayers answered when he was so distraught and a real blessing. The Priest was Catholic of course, but that ministry is one that shared by all Clergy - at the vital moments, they can be there, alongside, whatever the personal cost to themselves.

As for me, off to see my SD this morning, hoping to make some sense of my own situation, more than I can do on my own.