Sunday, 2 April 2017

Journal: Church, church meetings and an evensnog

It started with a Common Worship Communion at home, followed by another up the road (with an annual district church meeting thrown in) and ended with Book of Common Prayer evensong to complete the day.

Annual meetings are always fun for, like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get! But we managed to stroll through it and I was home for lunch before we hit 14:00. Lunch done, there was just enough time to follow up on a few things pastoral before it was off down the road for the final service of the day.

'The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end . . . '
How could one miss the opportunity to bring the day to a close with a homily on the Old Testament reading. So I took it with book hands.

How often do we reflect on God's amazing love as shown to us through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ? How often do we think of the resurrection of Lazarus as an opportunity to get us familiar with God's overwhelming power; and how often do we wonder how we limit God's power in, and through, us?

Here I am Lord, send me, use me. is this our prayer today?

Lord, use us and the people of this town to proclaim your love and to set the captives free,

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