Friday, 28 April 2017

Journal: Saturday's coming

Been a different day from the norm, probably because it was set aside for study, prep and admin? That said, I was doing a wedding rehearsal this evening, not one of my more common services. As ever the run through worked easily - not lost a Bride yet - and the joy of knowing the couple and having a relationship with them and the family made it quite special.

Funerals have slowed down now such that I'm about to hit what I think is the thirtieth the of the year and there are a few baptisms on the horizon too. Occasional offices are sometimes more frequent than the name suggests.

I'm enjoying a return to writing theological material and the slow progress being made in trying to find some more postgrad and the frustrations this brings have been out aside for a bit. Mind you, I need to call in the support people to work through my daily hours and help me rationalise things to get more study and prayer as i have become so busy that I'm doing nothing other than keep the wheels spinning. the irony here is that I used to work with people on this and now I find myself doing so much that I'm doing nothing. A tough place to be found residing.

The week past fits the pattern many experience, especially the fact that we knock ourselves out getting stuff in place before we have time off and then, upon our return, find ourselves hammering through work to catch up because we were away. A colleague told me that I needed to aim for something between thirty-eight and forty-two hours a week as this game space for the crises but provided time to live in. Failing (happily rather than miserably) at this at the moment, but the goal is gradual change so that by the time I hit the end of September I might be running somewhere near.

The odd thing about the time thing is the fact that although I wear many hats, the demand placed by them is minimal really - a service here, another there, the occasional meeting. the same is true of time for personal study and private prayer - prayer is trickling along at about seven hours a week, but this is a 'cat's lick and a promise' fulfilled by my daily office routine. So watch this space Lord, although those who know me will shake their heads in anticipation of a failed attempt - I'm heading for the things that matter.

But rather than a promise for the future I look to the day of promise that has passed and give You praise for all it has contained.
I thank You for the people I have met - especially Stephanie who needs a touch from You for the growth on her foot - and for the many, unmanned, but loved people I have encountered on the journey today.

Lord, help me to do more and to find the still waters.

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