Sunday 6 November 2011

Foolish Virgins and Fresh Expressions

What a stunningly great day it has been here in paradise! Running from the early morning communion (which was pretty well attended) through the Family Service (where were they?) and then on through various encounters and activities into the first evening of the 'Mission-Shaped Introduction' and then more besides - one couldn't say the day was quiet, simple or effortless - but boy was it blessed (mostly!).

This morning was about foolish virgins and not being ready for the day that was to come (yet no one was going to know the day or the hour). Made me think how easy it is to put your hand up in a meeting, pray the sinner's prayer and think that you're now in. But there just seems to be a need to be ready and the unpreparedness of the virgins meant that they didn't make it into the wedding banquet. Reminiscent of the man who did and 'being incorrectly dressed' was thrown out of the window into the darkness with all that went with it!

It's obviously not enough to sit and assume we're in, we need to do something about this Christian lifestyle - is it give money, do stuff, hold services or something else? Well the Amos reading this morning left us in no doubt that God doesn't want services, load of them, but wants relationship and it is from this relationship that we live, do and have meaning in our life!

An easy rope to start considering the needs of those who are outside the Church and how Fresh Expressions (FE) might be just what they need. The problem is that I meet people who move a service to a different time (or venue) and call it an FE! So, if you're not sure, let me give you the definition:

"A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church."

Simple, isn't it? It's about providing a place for those who aren't Church to become it! It's not a relocation of venue or a changing of the service time - it's about making what we do accessible to those outside - and that's much, much, much more! (sorry Police Academy gene problems!)

So - as we go through this week why don't we look at the people we engage with and ask ourselves a few questions:

When would be a good time for them to engage with believers?

Where would be a good place to do this?

What should we be doing to make it relevant to the person, their culture, social needs and personal circumstances?

Three little questions that could just set someone's lamp alight :-)


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