Monday 30 August 2010

After school clubs - an opportunity

According to the charity 'Save the Children around 75% of the poorest families cannot afford to send their children to after school provision and it's not just the poorer families as two-thirds of those above the poverty lince can't afford them either!

One of the policies we have in the church I'm part of is that they never charge for any children's provision they provide. This includes Kid's Club (twice a week) and holiday provision for drama, art and craft, term-time dance and cheerleading clubs and more besides.

The general response to this is one of unbelief that any provision would be free and as a result we find ourselves to be a very popular place indeed.

Now before anyone assumes that this is a great way of 'conning' or 'bribing' people (especially kids) to come into church, I have to say that this is not the case. We seek to meet the needs of the community and are very aware that this does not translate into them coming to the church only the building that houses it.

As budgets are cut I reckon that the Church will find the opportunity to serve those in the community around them increases accordingly. Jesus came to be the servant of all and therefore we, like Him, should be looking to serve. People are always surprised when they hear that the age old 'Mums and Toddlers' provision doesn't bring in members - but it builds relationships and it scratches where the itch is and this is the reason it's a valid expression. If we do only because we think it will build our churches then we sell the Gospel short and condemn ourselves to disappointment.


The Church Mouse said...

Dead right! BTW - you seem to only have two blog posts on your front page!?

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Thanks for comment.

Have checked blog setting - should see six now,