Sunday 31 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Sunday, 31 July 2022

Beginnings and endings; of life; days; jobs; hobbies; habits.
This night, as my life as a stipendiary Priest ends, this reality is perhaps more sharply felt. But whether we wake or not tomorrow, we are Yours Lord. Amen.

Saturday 30 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Saturday, 30 July 2022

Remembering those who fought to set people free from the captivity that is slavery, we pray that this night, as we sleep, the power of God and obedience of His Church would set captives free. Amen.

Friday 29 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Friday, 29 July 2022

As we go to our beds the image of Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus before us, we pray for all who have been distracted by the cares of the world and the call to serve others, that they may know the protection and peace of the Lord. Amen.

Thursday 28 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Thursday, 28 July 2022

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep this night,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend the sick, give rest to the weary, sustain the dying,
calm the suffering, and pity the distressed;
all for your love's sake, O Christ our Redeemer. Amen. 

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Wednesday, 27 July 2022

In a day which has seen blessing and sorrow, triumph and failure - we stand assured of God's love and life in us. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world! Alleluia!

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Tuesday, 26 July 2022

As we rejoice in our families (earthly and spiritual) we give thanks for Anne and Joachim, the parents of the BVM, and hold all families (and marriage) before you this night. Amen.

Sunday 24 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Monday, 24 July 2022

Day ends in prayer and reflection; and pray for others.
God knows the words in our hearts before we say a word - so our prayers remind us of their importance to us and confers true blessings upon them.

Saturday 23 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Saturday, 23 July 2022

As the day God gave us ends, we pass on the baton to our brothers in the West - for truly, the voice of prayer is never silent, nor dies the strain of praise away. Alleluia!

Friday 22 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Friday, 22 July 2022

Almighty God, whose Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of mind and body and called her to be a witness to his resurrection: forgive our sins and heal us by your grace, that we may serve you in the power of his risen life. Amen.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Thursday, 21 July 2022

Life, like a beach sees the tide come and go, it's exciting as it rises and generous with the things left on the beach as it ebbs away.

May we take joy in the flotsam and jetsam this night. Amen.

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Sunday 17 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Sunday, 17 July 2022

Lord, as the embers of the day die down and bed beckons, Grant us, and all who have fallen short of Your glory today, Your forgiveness, sleep and peace. Amen.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Saturday, 16 July 2022

As we head for bed with gratitude for all the day has been, we lay before You those for whom we pray, the troubled places of this world and all who have needs this night. Amen.

Friday 15 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Friday, 15 July 2022

A weapon of torture becomes the means of gaining eternal life.
Obedience even unto death, heralds life.
Grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.

Thursday 14 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) Thursday, 14 July 2022

When the soft dews of kindly sleep my wearied eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought, how sweet to rest for ever on my Saviour’s breast.
Abide with me from morn till eve, for without Thee I cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh, for without Thee I dare not die.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Compline (night Prayer) - Wednesday, 13 July 2022

In this liturgical season that is 'Ordinary Time' may we never lose sight of the extraordinary reality of the Love of God, made flesh, for us and the enabling of the Holy Spirit calling us to worship the father. Amen.

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Lord, bring sleep to those who struggle this night that tomorrow they may wake to a new day of blessing, wholeness and life in You. Amen.

Monday 11 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Monday, 11 July 2022

Lord, give us the wisdom and the discipline to follow You through struggles and blessings and, despite to folly of others, to pray for all humanity without prejudice or favouritism. Amen.

Today (11 July) the Church celebrates the life and ministry of Benedict

Benedict was born in Nursia, central Italy, around the year 480. 

As a young man he was sent to study in Rome, but was soon appalled by the corruption in society and withdrew to live as a hermit at Subiaco. He quickly attracted disciples and began to establish small monasteries in the neighbourhood.

Around the year 525, a disaffected faction tried to poison him so Benedict moved to Monte Cassino with a band of loyal monks. Later in life he wrote his Rule for Monks, based on his own experience of fallible people striving to live out the gospel. He never intended to found an ‘order’ but his Rule was so good that it was disseminated and widely followed, becoming the model for western monasticism.

Benedict died at Monte Cassino in about the year 550.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Sunday, 10 July 2022

Lord, be with us tonight in our sleeping and equip us tomorrow to minister Your love to be witnesses to Your saving Grace. Amen.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Compline (Night Prayer) - Saturday, 9 July 2022

Stay with us, O God, this night, so that by your strength we may rise with the new day to rejoice in the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Friday 8 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Friday, 8 July 2022

God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with him. Amen.

Thursday 7 July 2022

Compline (night Prayer) - Thursday, 7 July 2022

The light of God shines in the darkest places and is never overcome.
Shine in our heart this night we pray that Your love may be seen in us by all who have pain or despair. Amen.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Reflecting on the day we repent of the wounds we may have inflicted on other and forgive those who may have wounded us. Help us never to judge but to love despite the pressures of this world and those around us. Amen.

Sunday 3 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Sunday, 3 July 2022

All that this day has been; all that Your love has given; all that we are made wonderful by Your presence. We bless and thank You O Lord. Amen.

Saturday 2 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Saturday, 2 July 2022

Thomas, seeing, acknowledged the Christ with the words, "My Lord and my God!"
May we who proclaim this by faith, not sight, rejoice and rest in this truth. Amen.

Friday 1 July 2022

Compline (night prayer) - Friday, 1 July 2022

This day closes with the news of losses in our Church family.
May those departed rest in peace and rise in glory;
and may we remember that whether tomorrow we wake or sleep, we are in Christ. Amen.