Sunday 1 January 2012

A year in prospect

Whoo Hoo! It's another new year and the register of services book stands open with a clean page and '2012' boldly written at the top. As the first service is about to kick off I look at the pitch, chairs neatly placed, carpet a lush shade of brown, the walls and ceiling painted and the table laid up and there is a spring in my step.

Will this morning be the first six of the year when it comes to the service and will I manage not to drop any of the catches, unlike last year, and play as well in the outfield as I do at the crease?

Will this be the year when we get bumper crowds and find the pavilion buzzing with happy, engaged, and committed supporters after the match?

Will we actually manage to build new stands to accomodate those who are turned away because of our limited capacity and will we find that by doing so we can do more to get involved in the community that surrounds our sporting venue?

Goodness me I just love Church!

Happy New Year

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