Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Higgs Boson - The God particle found?

A Higgs boson walks into a church. The vicar says "You're not welcome here".

The boson replies "But without me there is no mass".

Well it made me laugh.

Happy Wednesday


Undergroundpewster said...

For a mass-less particle, that sure packed a pun-ch.

The Warden said...

Well Vicarage, As I was sat on the M42 travelling home from a long night at work I heard the lady on Radio 2 talking about the Higgs-Boson. And they were asking where is the Higgs? I found myself shouting saying I'm here I'm here but she couldnt hear me so I went on my merry way home and said hello the the little Higg's and the mummy Higgs. But for the people who know me the Higgs-Boson is the wrong way round as surly the Higgs is the Mass not the Boson....