Tuesday 31 July 2012

Military Chaplaincy

Just a thought but I wondered if any of those who pass by this blog might consider getting involved as Chaplain to the uniformed cadet or Armed Forces Chaplain's branches?

The Cadet forces' Chaplains find themselves presented with varying degrees of opportunities for pastoral engagements with young people. The 'Padre's Hours' bring challenges, opportunities and discussion. It's not 'God-Bothering' or sermons, it's real down-to-earth dialogue and getting the younger generation to think, challenge and stand up for themselves. There are pastoral care issues for cadets, staff and families and, of course, the opportunities for church parades at relevant times (Trafalgar Day, Battle of Britain, Remembrance, etc.).

The Armed forces' Chaplains are engaged with much the same as the cadet role with the added edge of deployment, casualty notification and all the issues that being an adult and serving (regular or reserve) bring.

Bottom line is that within the military chaplaincy roles there is an opportunity to bring Christ into the lives of a particular group of people and through the Values and Standards teaching engage with them and the Gospel.

Never thought about it before?

Here's your opportunity . . . . .


UKViewer said...

Well said, Armed Forces Chaplains are an invaluable and widely respected resource.

It's difficult to get some Clergy to engage with the role, but those who do, do a wonderful job.

Anonymous said...

Church and military just don't belong in the same sentence - those who do this had souled out

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Oh dear,

Someone doesn't understand the Bible or the nature of Christian ministry in a military setting, do they?

I will have to teach you something about God, Bible and the Chaplain - so watch this space :-)

Ps. Thank you for you comments UKV - totally agree