Sunday, 15 July 2012

The things people say - 4

This week I heard an 'expert' telling the nation how, "One out of every two' people," were subject to something or other (it was that groundbreaking that I've forgotten what the subject was!) and not only that but there would also be ramifications of this felt by, "Two out of six people," too!

Now I don't know about you but I would have thought that they were speaking about 'half' and 'a third' respectively. Not a big issue but I have to say it did my head in at the time :-)

What has really been interesting for me this week is the ability that some people have to say one thing to one person and something completely different to another in such a way that you just don't know where you stand. As Christians the answer is easy for our 'yes' and our 'No' is exactly what they are billed as regardless of whom we engage with. We do live like this don't we? The problem I continue to find is that many who bill themselves as 'Christian' (and even parade a tame Vicar around from timt to time as if to endorse that) obviously haven't mastered this bit (and when you engage them don't seem to have picked up much of the other stuff either).

I have met more than a few people who consider themselves Christian and yet bear none of the hallmarks in who they are or live and practice none of the outward elements either. The problem is that are we to challenge their perceived faith or do we merely smile and move on leaving them to continue in their erroneous and often damaging (to self and the name of Christ) ways?

What do you do I wonder?

Happy Sunday

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