Monday 26 October 2009

I'm a Mainstream believer!

I was asked recently which of the various groups and forums were the 'sound' ones - Now's there a question!!

As I said in the previous post, many of those who consider themselves to be AM types consider themselves to be the right and proper voice of CofE members. After all, they're not called 'Anglican Extreme' or 'Marginalised Anglicans' or 'Anglicans at the Fringe' are they? They think the name means something, and perhaps this is a clue.

This leads me to think that 'Reform' should be a group for those shape-shifters within the CofE (Deep Space Nine has a lot to answer for in my theological thinking!). Of course, this group do not take their name from the action required after a rout or retreat but is a reference to the fact that this is a place for conservative Anglicans i.e. reformed types and so it does what it says on the tin (sadly at times!).

What about thinking Anglicans? Are they thinking and do they actually do what it says on the tin or are they people who take a position because of factors outside of thinking? It's all well and good to be thinking but if you're thinking God is a Marmalade sandwich would that fit in - after all it is still thinking (I think)! Perhaps they need to re-brand themselves 'Right-Thinking Anglicans'? I quite like Thinking Anglicans but don't always see the thinking as joined up either - but it is a valuable place to be at times.

"What about Fulcrum," I was asked. What does this simple machine name confer, an attempt to gain some increased leverage perhaps. ? But on what and with what. I have been told that this is a place for middle of the road (i.e. liberal to others) evangelicals and yet find myself blessed, challenged and very much in support of what I find there. There is a balance that I don't always enjoy with some of the other groups.

I think that I am probably a truly 'Mainstream (orthodox) Christian' because I am able to maintain an orthodox faith - I rely upon Scripture (first and foremost), tradition (acknowledging that we have developed and maintained some excellent errors) and reason (never forgetting that God gave me a brain for some very good reasons - and I will continue to use this as one of the tests of 'rightness') and live in a pretty solid Christian manner. I seek to live the Gospel and 'restore those who are caught in sin gently' which is perhaps where some of these other groups fail.

So where are you - are you mainstream or fringe (lunatic or otherwise)?

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