Friday 27 November 2009

Worse than the sinners . . .

I have had a few comments passed to me about this blog. Some come from people who see themselves as being above question and appear to inhabit a strange mirrored-glass world where they are free to point fingers and make judgements on others and yet are, of course, free from any similar treatment themselves.

Some have been hurt, which was never my intention, because they see what I have as an attack on them. I am looking at the issues before me, which some have brought into closer focus, and am trying to set my own limits and expectations. I have to repeat, these are the standards I am setting for my self and I neither condemn nor attack others for their views, but perhaps I do hope that they might dialogue and reason.

I encounter, from time to time, a very small part of the Christian world who assume they speak for the whole Christian body. A Christian pareto analysis where 75% have moderate views yet 25% raise their voices and claim the centre ground. Whether they raise these voices for or against orthodoxy doesn't matter, what matters is that they neither speak for the middle of the road (dare I say mainstream?) Christians and yet still speak authoritatively.

How do the 'middle of the road" gain a voice? How do we make this voice heard ? Most important, how do we make sure that the largely 'ignorant' and 'undecided' Christian population gain some Biblical perspective?

Got an answer? So what are you doing with it?



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