Monday 4 April 2011

Can anyone else hear a banging noise?

A while back I realised I could hear a banging noise coming from my church building. I popped in and guess what?

It was Jesus banging His head against the cross!

The question is, can anyone else hear it?

I have had more than a few emails regarding my post last night and apparently 'they' started it, "After all, they burn our flag!" and they "Take our jobs".  Not only that, but 'they' have taken over our country and so they deserve exactly what they get!

Apparently 'they' call white people names and I wouldn't know about that because I don't live in an area where there aren't any of 'them'.

Ours schools are under siege, our communities have been taken over by 'them' and the laws protect them, not the white population bringing in 'one rule for 'them' and another for for 'us' so that 'we' have to walk around 'them' on eggshells.

Some people say they daren't comment in case they cause offence (isn't that a sign of being offensive in itself?).

The issue of race and religion is a minefield of political correctness, sheer bloody ignorance, stupidity, Christians who should know better, Daily Fascist readers, NIMBYs, intolerance, cowardice and wicked people who wish to see their interpretation of their own religion prosper (regardless of what the faith they claim to represent believes and teaches).

I think we, our faith and the communities in which we find ourselves would be well served if we sought to unravel this ball of wool in some sort of sensible way such that we can develop for ourselves a way of dealing with people of other faiths, nationalities and even people of differing denominations.

What do you think?



Anonymous said...

I suspect this is a case of the UK getting what it deserves.. we have become a nation that has for the most part turned its back on God even if we still keep up some form of Godliness. Often in the Bible when Israel turned from Gods way they would be over taken by their enemy. Islam is an enemy to the west, by its own admission and evident behavior. HOWEVER.. i do believe we are called to bless those we curse us and we are to love our enemy, to me a big part of this would be to pray for them after all they are caught up in deception and by praying for them it also softens our heart towards them and helps us to love them as God loves them. .. I must say although I dont agree personaly with the act of Koran burning and the like, I strongly disagree and feel it is completely unbiblical to have joint prayer gatherings with Muslim believers . I understand this practice has begun to take place in the name of christian tolerance and peace in some Christian circles.

Undergroundpewster said...

The sound you hear is a wake up call to learn from how early Christianity not only survived but spread despite being a persecuted, tiny church amongst a world of competing religions.

UKViewer said...

I often wonder if we are so busy trying see someone or something as the enemy and evil, that we miss Jesus banging his head on the cross?

We are so self absorbed, that we ignore the world, hurting, shouting and screaming for attention around us.

Rather then dwelling on who is doing what to us, who is taking what from us, who is changing us, we should be asking ourselves, what can are are we doing to help and to serve others.

I am not talking about religion, following the teaching of Jesus, which if freed from the chains we impose on it through our thoughts and actions, would allow his grace to flow into, through us and into the lives of others.

A good start would be to put away our persecution complex and get on with forming and developing our communities in partnership with all faiths and secular folk, who might just have something to offer as well.

Lesley said...

Gosh yes - I can hear it too.... thanks for pointing it out.

By the way I have only just found your blog, but I am glad to have made the discovery, and glad to find an old friend here - UKViewer who regularly comments on my blog too :)

Anonymous said...

Up until you pointed it out I have managed to make enough 'Christian' noise to drown it out. The problem is that no you have made me aware I will have to do something about it.

Thank you for your very unusual brand of candour and humour.

Revsimmy said...

Vic, I posted a comment here yesterday, but it's not here now. Has it been spam filtered or did you moderate it?

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

I haven't deleted any post so have to assume blogger having problems.

Checked emails and there was no mail relating to a post.

Can you repost it?
