Sunday 20 June 2010

It just gets sillier!

Tony Haywood, the much reviled head of BP has stopped all the work on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to go sailing! Obviously,doing something with his family is wrong for he, like the President and others from his administration, should be at the scene 100% of the time to demonstrate something or other!

I am so tired of this national vilification of one man by the media, which is what they do I guess), and by Mr. Obama and his fellow politicians. After all, what difference does it make where Haywood is, he's the figurehead in this unfolding (and continuing) drama, not the bloke at the back of the boat steering!

Personally, I think the man was right to gain some down time with his son and am amazed at the hypocrisy, character assasination and trial by media. I only hope when this is all done all those who played a part in this debacle and disgrace are brought to book.

Another sad day that helps no one and speaks volumes about flawed and fallen human nature.


UKViewer said...


I actually thought that BP had announced that Tony Haywood would be relieved of his duties in connection with the Oil Spill (Basically sacked!).

So, where he is at any time in the future has no relevance to the media.

And I agree that he is entitled to have a break to give time to his family - who have probably only seen him on TV for the past month or so.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Regardless - pushing anyone to the extent that they have no opportunity to chill out is a recipe for wrong decisions and even more media and political frenzy.

What a silly bunch of people they are sometimes! After all, wherever Haywood is and whatever he's doing, it has little implication for the actual work of stopping the leak and dealing with the spillage!

Bit of a shock to hear that it will be mid-August before they can stop the leak!

Revsimmy said...

Doesn't matter whether one is being effective or not - appearance is everything. No wonder we (and even more so the US) are workaholics.