Thursday, 19 January 2012

Holocaust Memorial Day 2012

Can I just take a moment to remind you that Holocaust Memorial Day (27th Jan) is almost upon us and invite you to:

a. Publicise any events near to you

b. Consider putting something on this year (not too late) and start planning for 2013 (always the same date commemorating the of Auschwitz-Birkenau on that date in 1945)

c. Place something on your blog, website and perhaps take a moment to remember those who have died as a result of genocide over the past years and in many places.

More about HMD here


Revsimmy said...

Thanks for the reminder, Vic. It seems that HMD is already something that many would prefer to question or ignore altogether. Perhaps that makes it all the more necessary that we keep plugging away at it.

Nicky Abram said...

Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.