Monday, 2 January 2012

The old year has passed - the new lies open before us

If we were ever looking for a prayer to end all prayers I guess this has to be it for it offers new beginnings, fresh opportunities and the potential for so very much. It is with this thought that this morning's time before the keyboard has focussed on everything that is before us this year in the little family that I am privileged to pastor.

The church has reached a fork in the road and we need to make some very important decisions over the next week or so, choices have to be made and the type of church that we are has to be decided upon. As we approach this there are many things to thank God for where and who we are and some areas where we need to look at what we offer too!). Some of these are:

The 'Don't be home alone' Christmas lunch saw forty-eight people fed and given a good time. This meal, which we do with and for many of the churches within our town was, in my book, another great success and an opportunity to be really blessed (and I was, hope the rest were). A 'give thanks' area.

Kid's Club has been another blessing. The realisation that some of the children we started with five years ago are now adults is a bit frightening (yes, we are all getting older!). The format appears to be set but we need to look at ways we can help support those coming and perhaps extend what we do. A 'give thanks' and a 'new direction' area this one.

Friday Friends, our provision for the older generation continues to flourish and the team who work here are committed and so totally engaged that it is an ever continuing source of joy and inspiration. Another 'give thanks' area.

The Mental Health support group, an autonomous group who offer support and friendship to those who have had mental health issues, is one of the great blessings of 2011. Another 'give thanks' area which beggars the question, "What more should we be doing to support those with mental health needs?"

Drop-in - the free tea, coffee, cake and biscuits sessions which operate on Monday and Thursday ending with lunch for those who wish to stay and have it has seen the highest numbers yet over the past year. A gentle place where people can come and relax secure in the knowledge that they aren't going to be pressurised into 'being Christian'. A place where we can offer friendship without strings. Another 'give thanks' area.

Messy Church has been a mixed bag. Now in its second year we have seen some great days and have seen some where the attendance left us all a bit low. That said the opportunity to take it into other places and do it where the people are (rather than drag them into the fearsome 'Church' building) is proving to be a great opportunity to engaged and sow seeds of awareness - who can ask for more than that? Another 'give thanks' with a bit of 'fresh direction' area.

The midweek communion - a relatively new service which provides an opportunity for those who wouldn't otherwise be able to make church happen, happen! Lightweight, accessible and so informal as to be horizontal, this is a service which promises so much and for which praise and direction need to be sought.

Community engagement is one of the jewels in the life and mission of the church and this, along with the love and lack of acrimony within it, is probably the greatest source of continuous joy. We have seen some great community events and have received much encouragement from many. The only downside is the lack of space that wer can offer and this is the place whereby we begin our considerations as to the direction we take along the road.

There are other areas and things that are happening, about to happen, would like to see happening but that's enough for now. Please pray for us as we shuffle along behind Christ trying to discern His footsteps and 'do the stuff'. Please pray for me as I seek to lead but not direct and be part of the family rather than the man with the megaphone.

Happy New Year to one and all

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