Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Hallowe'en - We don't do it, do we?

Many years back when our youngest was really tiny the family were engaged in a discussion over 'light parties' as an alternative to hallowe'en. We were explaining that we didn't think that putting on an alternative worked as all that happened was the kids were dropped off by their parents to a party on what everyone was calling Hallowe'en. They were dressed in outfits that (despite requests) looked like Hallowe'en costumes and the next day the parents told everyone what a great Hallowe'en party the church had put on!

The final shot in the conversation was, "I'm sorry, but we just don't do Hallowe'en!"

Up piped a wise little four-year old with, "But we do do Jesus, don't we?"

We do indeed - but this is an issue that will soon be upon us again and so I wonder how you will deal with this event, trick or treating and the other stuff(local supermarkets already crammed with merchandise)?

And a cautionary note. Alcohol and Hallowe'en don't mix either!


1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

What a completely repulsive picture.
If you got it blown up to giant proportions and turned into a poster it would probably put a good number of Halloweeners off for life.