Saturday 22 September 2012

Caption Contest - 30

Here's another image for all those bright, witty and exceedingly people out there to excel at.



Anonymous said...

The police were a bit miffed that someone was going around cutting all their crime scene tape...

Johnny Douglas said...

behold I show you a new and living way!

Rev Trev said...

The bishop wondered how he could break the news gently that this wasn't quite what he meant when he pledged the diocesan funds on bridge-building.

Anonymous said...

Preparing to declare the footbridge to the new bishop's Palace open, Bishop Graham smiled as he thought how hard it would be for so many of his female colleagues to cross running water ;-)

Rob Crompton said...

Hey, Jacob only had to wrestle one guy!
Yeah, but this is a bridge. That means you wrestle us both.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

What a great start to Sunday morning reading these!
