Thursday 7 January 2010

The Robinson Affair

So here's you you Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than some who are attempting to make hay while the shame shines regarding your infidelity will ever know!

Sadly, this lady who has stood up and given voice regarding her views of homosexuality, views which are as valid for her as the views against her political and other beliefs then. But, whilst we still have a democracy there is the implicit right of each of us to hold views and long may that continue. But what do we have here and what does it say to believers and non-believers? Liberal and orthodox (and those in the middle?)?

Iris Robinson has been pilloried for being flawed and human and some are asking where her faith was when she stumbled and what it has done to remove from her the stigma, pain and condemnation that is a reality for her, her husband, family, party and nation. She has been pilloried on Radio 2 for being a fundamentalist of the the American kind - you know the type - big hair, flashing teeth, opulence and destined to be denounced as wrong in a very short time - something she has lived up to so that she can take her place alongside Swaggart, Bakker, Bentley and far too many more to name here. (see what happens when you want more than a Christian faith children?)

But . . . 

As she also said when she started the rage against homosexuality, "My Christian belief tells me to love the sinner and hate the sin - every type of sin!". Well this is where she finds herself today. Exposed as yet another sinner, in fact exposed as having a new sin added to her list of existing sins that she commits (as do we all). I trust and pray that the fellowship she belongs to will seek to 'restore her lovingly and gently' (Galatians 6) and that from this experience she will do the same with others employing a chunk of Matthew 7, "Judge not lest you be judged. For as you judge others, so too will others (using the the same measure and means) judge you." We all have specks in our own eyes and everyone I meet can tell me why they deserve God's forgiveness and why [insert name] doesn't.

Hopefully this will be a hard-learnt lesson, well-learnt, and Iris will manage to restore her marriage and understand that when people stop doing wrong, repent (that is to turn away from) and confess their sins they are truly forgiven. God's metanoia (just think - He sees our sins but chooses to forget what they are!) means that for those who stumble and are restored there is forgiveness - the key is not to keep stumbling and whilst the adultery might be sorted, there's still the matter of development money for her nineteen year old boyfriends café and her not declaring an interest in the business. Don't think it will end here with just the infidelity for sadly, once people are on the ropes, the vultures descend and the dirty washing appears.

Regardless of what you think of her views she, like every sinner needs our compassion. Justice and forgiveness also need to be present in equal measure for it's not about revenge, even though this is what so many are making it. Don't think this is over yet but this should not be the reason to take pleasure - after all, tomorrow might just be our turn in the mill! Whilst some will label her a hypocrite, especially some gay rights campaigners, I can only suggest that before they point fingers they address the hypocrite who faces them across the mirror first - a practice that would see a more honest and gentler world indeed.

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