Tuesday 27 July 2010

I've got the book - so must be me!

I wonder how many of us encounter the sad clergy type who, having purchased (but not necessarily read a book), feels at liberty to proclaim themselves whatever the book is? As I write this I have before me a piece of paper from such a cleric whose paperwork proudly proclaims, "A Purpose Driven Church"

What they mean is that they have a copy of the book on their shelf!

Actually it is on their shelf but it's unread and in fact actually unopened (for having examined it when in their study there was a cellophane wrapper on it!). I asked about the book in passing and was told, They hadn't gotten around to reading it yet but understood it was really good at building Churches!

Obviously the strap-line is all! If we use the label they will come (hopefully as numbers are declining and after all we do have that Parish Share to pay and the Archdemon is surely looking at us because we're not as successful as St Blogfeatures down the road) and all will be well - or at least we'll look like we're trying.

How many of us are going through our lives with that certain book on our shelves? You know, the one which we understand will change our lives and the one which brings results and yet, 'just haven't gotten around to reading?'

Better to memorise and live but one page, making that our reality rather than to posture that we've read and mastered the book. This is merely revision and there is a final examination before us ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't leave many comments but one thing I wish to say is that I like you Vic. I wish I lived there and could be in your congregation of Christians. Perhaps some day I can visit England and drop by on a Sunday and worship our Lord with your congregation. Edward