Friday 23 September 2011

The Beauty of nature

One of the things that amazes me is the number of people who talk to me about nature and how they love sunrises and sunsets. I'm often moved to remark that the only people who truly see such wonders of nature are farmers and soldiers. One of the best times to see a sunset or sunrise is when stuck somewhere on sentry duty. Not only do you see those wonders of God's handiwork but you see various animals and other bits of beauty in ways that others just don't.

As a 'for instance' here's a rainbow as presented to the privileged few on Salisbury Plain last week) I'll let you have a dawn when I can get the camera downloaded!):



Ray Barnes said...

Lovely pictures, but i would take issue with you as to those who almost routinely get to see early and late skies.
As a life-long insomniac, and an early riser (6.00am is late for me), I have seen absolutely breath-taking dawns, susnsets and night skies, but have only recently started to photograph them.
Even then, the photographs never quite do them justice.
Wonderful to think that some amazing things are free to anyone prepared to look.

Andrew said...

So did you find any gold?

Great photograph, may I use it?