Wednesday 7 September 2011

On being watchmen

Last Sunday's readings from the Lectionary brought into focus three key points:

1. The time to Jesus' return is getting nearer,
2. We need to be alert and discharge our duty as Watchmen, and
3. Being Christlike is to be reconciling not standing on our own exclusive moral high ground.

Being a Watchman is an important role upon which lives depend. Consider the situation in Libya, the sentry in their high vantage point sees a cloud of dust approaching and sounds the alarm. It is obvious when faced with what we call 'conventional war' (two enemies facing each other, no man's land in-between them) who the enemy is and where battle is to be engaged. In today's conflicts the enemy is all around us and there are many pockets of conflict about us. The enemy is all around us rather than 'over there'!

In a conflict situation, if the lookout falls asleep or fails to raise the alarm then people perish. Living as a Christian is a conflict situation - our enemy prowls looking for whom he might destroy.

Are we alert and raising the alarm over the presence of the enemy?

Looking at many in our society, I have assume the answer is 'No'!


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