Tuesday 21 January 2014

A verbal mural of the things people say

Ever wondered what Church is all about?
What the label 'Christian' means?
Why we go to church on Sunday?

Or better still . . .

Why we don't go to church on Sunday?

Is Sunday there to serve us, or us it?

Do we have to go to church?
Should we have to go to church?
After all, if you're Christian, surely that's enough.

I can listen to 'Songs of Praise'
I can read the Bible for myself
I can pray on my own
of course I don't do any of those things
but I could!
If I wanted to
I just don't want to!

Why doesn't the Church do more in the community?
I can't understand this
After all there are so many needs
So why doesn't the Church act to meet them?

Of course I'm not going to get out there and do it with you
I'm just pointing out what needs to be done
I wasn't saying I wanted to do it
It's not what I'm 'called' to do
(I think that's the proper term to be able to walk away from it)

Why do you expect me to give up my time when there's so little of it
There's the shops
and the Garden Centres
And you know how I love Merryhell
(or whatever cathedral to shopping I choose to attend)

And there's family
and Sunday lunch at the ...

Of course I'm a Christian

I'm just not a very good at it!

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