Saturday 6 February 2010

Conservative Party Policy - Make Church more pro-gay!

Obviously trying to win votes from the BGLT market, would be Leader of this nation, David (aka Lord Snooty) Cameron has had a piece in the magazine 'Attitude'. In the magazine, Cameron apparently launches 'an astonishing attack on the Church of England over its attitudes to homosexuality.'Having, it appears, an inside line, Cameron tells the magazine that, "Our Lord Jesus' would back equality and gay rights if he were around today!' Although he doesn't want to get into a row with the Archbishop of Canterbury, he thinks, "The Church has to do some of the things that the Conservative Party has been through - sorting this issue out and recognising that full equality is a bottom line full essential." Amazingly, I struggle to assume that 'Our Lord Jesus' would do anything of the sort, after all, He came to uphold the law and the prophets and therefore would be solidly against such a stance regardless of fidelity, how loving they were or the number of pink votes it would win the Church!
Christianity (and therefore Jesus) is the reason that those who were once 'non persona' now have rights and whilst the Church should uphold the principles that seek to allow people the right to 'be' it doesn't, and shouldn't, be in the market to promote or encourage certain attitudes, behaviour or acts (be they sexual, political or moral). The Conservative party is a man-made, man-serving organisation - the policies and edicts can change because they are not set in stone, they are merely policy which, unlike truth, is a changing value. This is not so for Church and therefore the ability to have acts, behaviour and attitudes (and those who engage in them) that stand opposed to Biblical precepts excluded is obvious and logical. Or are we supposed to now have a man-made organisation to replace Church as well? 
Another amazing 'Speak first - Think Later' moment from Mr/ Cameron can be seen when, speaking of how he'd like to see faith-based charities encouraged, how he'd also have the proviso that they 'do not discriminate'. Discrimination, what sort of discrimination I hear you cry. So let's let the man tell you himself in the form of this quote (as it's always best to let Balaam's Ass speak for himself):?
"I think if you are a Catholic prison charity, as long as your services are available to everyone, no matter what religion, their sexuality, their ethnicity, you're fine. We shouldn't force you to become a multi-faith group. You can be a single faith group. But you must not discriminate in the provision of your services. It seems to me that this is the key disinction you have to make."
So that's clear isn't it? If you're an Islamic charity you will have to offer the same support to an ethnic, homeland supporting, homosexual Jew (and I'll bet there is one to be found out there!) or else you're falling foul of Cameron's rule. Logically following on with this thinking (or will this be aimed at faith groups only) St Dunstan's, a marvellous charity for blinded ex-service men and women, will of course have to realise that it needs to include other disabilities or they too will fall foul of this ill-thought out piece of verbiage!
The list is endless - nationality focussed charities will have to offer support to nationals from all nations and surely Conservative research charities will have to fund other parties research to avoid contravening their esteemed leader's thinking on charities and their functioning (but you can still be single party but you must not discriminate in the provision of your services).
Amazing that he and his blesséd party can't sort out a viable monetary policy and yet can move away from matters temporal to correct the spiritual! Obviously we'd be better off with Snooty as ABC and let someone else do the job (why did Lord Sutch have to die - vote monster raving loony party!).
Read the Ruth Gledhill piece in the Times for a fuller description and many quotes - he's trying to win votes with some sectors but I fear that he will merely have the blue rinses and the Daily Fascist readers screaming and wondering who on earth vote for.

Better still, if the CofE is still regarded by some as the 'Tory party at prayer" then he may well have some gays wanting to get behind him (which sounds a little worrying) but he will have a great number of people seeking to distance themselves from him and his party. Perhaps David Cameron has realised that the Tories don't want to be running the next parliament with the pitfalls and snares that the economy presents and merely wishes to hand the role over (by deafult) to the Lib Dems (or whatever they're called this year!).
What an awful chump!

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