Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Wikileaks: the grand young Duke of York!

It has been revealed that US ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Tatiana Gfoeller, had a bit of a problem with the candour displayed by HRH the Duke of York at a brunch in 2008. Apparently he was in possession of "unmitigated patriotic fervour" and made comments that the Americans "Don't understand geography!' He was also seen to be in possession of a critical stance towards those who were investigating the BAe Al-Yamama arms deal and pointed out that when it came to greasing the paths for contracts, it was no different to France!

Now, I find the Ms Gfoeller (sounds like a character from the man with two brains doesn't it?) is just a little disingenuous with her complaints about 'patriotic fervour' as my time working in the US clearly shows that the 'my country, right or wrong' and the attitudes displayed from the top down and lived from the bottom up would probably leave Andrew looking rather subdued and conservative.

I have to say that I would also consider Andrew to have been kind regarding Americans and geography. After all, this is the nation where I was (proudly) told that no more that 25% of the population have a passport (2009 figures say 22%) and those who have one, have it to visit Mexico or Canada!

I was in an American church which claimed to be African-American and was asked where I'd come from. The answer was 'Kenya' and I was asked where that was. Having replied 'Africa' I was then asked it if were near to Soweto then! This, it transpires was one of the brighter people and even though the walls of the offices were plastered with Masai and other African tribally-clad people, they didn't have a scooby!

The American news is mainly about American and the world news looks out to the East from New York and sees the lights of California on the horizon and this doesn't aid the geographic awareness of this extremely insular nation either.

I understand the Prince's comments regarding BAe, after all what we investigated and acted against would be considered the norm across most of the globe, and in some nations the companies would also be heavily subsidised by the government too (even tho Eu rules preclude such thing - but what does that matter?).

I think Andrew was on form if the reports are even half true and I thank Wikileaks for a bit of a laugh amongst all the revelations that will cause tension and undoubtedly result in loss of life at some stage.

Freedom of speech is not always beneficial, especially if you are the one who will be facing the resultant gunfire or burying the dead and caring fro the refugees. Easy to be smug when you're so far away from any of the results of your acts :(

As for Andrew? Good job he's not a bishop, he'd find himself not suspended!

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