Thursday 9 December 2010

The Bible - how do you read it?

Continuing from yesterday, and in the light of a piece I read which claimed the issue of student grants was a 'Christian issue' it is obvious that great potential exists for us to use the Bible such that it supports what isn't there and it is essential that we don't cherry pick to support our own views, theological stances or smug little campaigns.

There are some obvious truths and some clear commandments and instructions but some of the stuff before us needs to be considered carefully before someone blithely proclaims, "This is a 'Christian' issue!' The biggest problem, for me, comes when people read purely and simply to support a view as undoubtedly they will find whatever they are looking for, even when it isn't there!

I particularly enjoyed this in ST's blog piece linked to yesterday regarding what the Bible is:

"It's a cultural library says Brian McLaren*. It's an agreed starting point, says Rowan Williams. It is, says Karen Armstrong (The Bible** - The Biography - Atlantic 2007), a place where we stand, as Moses stood once, sandal-less before a burning bush, praying for revelation and listening intently, willing to lay down our former preconceptions."

As we progress through Advent, living in the reality that the virgin having a baby is the lighting of the touch-paper that is salvation to the world, we should also realise that living in that reality makes us the bearers of it. We are charged with taking God's love and light out into the world and we need to make sure with do this with integrity and intelligence. The thought of us 'sandal-less and praying for revelation' is stirring and exciting and as we wait, we should be searching - an active act in what might otherwise be a passive act.

*Brian Mclaren's 'A New kind of Bible Reading' is an interesting and stimulating read on this subject.

** Karen Armstrong's book is a good read too!

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