Thursday, 30 December 2010

Lacking Reality - The X Factor

Am I the only person who wasn't glued to the television over X-Factor before Christmas?

Wherever I went, even in funeral visits, the people were talking about it and who would win, assured that by doing so they would also take the prized 'Christmas Number One' record slot. It was the main focus of just about everyone's conversation and therefore I assume viewing.

I don't watch X-Factor, Britain's (Not) Got Talent, Big Brother or any of the myriad amounts of tosh that appears on the moronoscope (aka TV). I am not interested in celebrities being trained to dance (I've seen them do that with bears and monkeys in various places I've been to and so there's nothing new in teaching simple creatures to move about!) and have no interest in more of these publicity-seeking types eating worms in the bush or wannabees being critiqued by haven'tbeens!

What matters to me is that it appears that we are developing an X-Factor styled Christianity whereby rather than serve your time and learn your craft, as musicians used to in the good old days, we now want this rapid rise into fame and success. It doesn't happen like that in the entertainment world. If you don't believe me, take a look at the various winners who have risen, fallen and now vanished.

There are many entertainers out there who have learned their craft and have preformed in smaller venues, moving on as skills and reputation grow. Each rises to a certain level and whilst some might never be 'number one', they make a good living out of being and doing what they enjoy.

As we come to the end of the year I have been looking back at the highs and lows. The areas where I wish I'd been better and the areas where I've managed to see some success (whatever that is). Where I have hoped things might come together (without having planned) I've found that they haven't been as successful as I'd have hoped for. Where I have put in the time and read, prayed and engaged with God and with people I have seen great personal and Church successes.

take a look back at your past year and ask yourself the same questions I am asking of myself at this time:

i. Have I worked at being who I should have been or merely tried to please those who I think might judge me?

ii. Have I worked at learning my craft. Have I read (Bible and other books) so that I might learn and extend my skills and awareness? Prayed and in praying, listened and sought to act upon what I have heard?

iii. Am I content to be where, and who, I am or am I seeking to be better and more effective (this doesn't mean promotion, self or otherwise) but it does mean perfecting who I am, how I minister and how much I look like Christ to those with whom I engage.

There's no fast track on the Christian journey, just a path that leads us to the foot of the Cross. Man's words will fade away and our names might be forgotten to all except God, and that's the real X-Factor, that He knows us and calls us by name - approved, loved and forgiven.


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