Monday 6 June 2011

More Christianity, less religion!

So often I come to the conclusion that former CGS (Chief of General Staff, ie. the head of the Army) Lord Dannatt's view of Northern Ireland as a young officer serving there applies also to the Church of England in particular and Church in general.

The observation is that there was, "A great deal of religion but not much Christianity!"

Speaking of the fact that I don't consider homosexuality to be 'the' one defining issue I was made aware that that wasn't enough and that the whole point had to be pushed until the issue was not just accepted but approved of as the 'norm'. Not only that but the ground had to be taken such that those who opposed the practice of homosexuality as a Christian lifestyle were removed rather than merely 'pushed back'. The (proclaimed) goal is 'tolerance' but the objective is (in reality) conquest and the tactics appear to be the very same as employed in 1935 by a nation not that far from these shores!

First you mock them, adding a little dehumanisation and a sprinkling of ad hominem such that the general populace ridicule and speak out against them. Continue by spreading lies and misrepresentations so that passions and opinions (especially in these days of natural justice, PR and equality) are stirred up. Then remove the culprits (for we all know who they are, they just don't were 'jude' badges these days) and make the world a better place.

It works for 'homophobes', i.e. those for whom there is no 'fear' only a feeling that being actively homosexual crosses the line in terms of Bible, tradition and reason (AKA 'orthodox').

It works for 'misogynists', i.e. Those who don't 'hate women' but feel that there is a difference between male and female and perhaps (in some cases) are being faithful to the Church view that they joined with.

The problem is that we cannot merely speak of being enlightened and point to our being 'more intelligent' than the early Church (isn't that what we perhaps do with anabaptism?) or more understanding of the texts (surely those who wrote them were aware of the power and import of their words?).

I am aware that there are those who seek to justify their contraventions of Biblical entreaties and commands by reinvention, revision or merely discarding of that which opposes their chosen actions and behaviours (note. You can be made anything you like, that isn't a choice - but how you live it out is, always, a choice.). I do care about the fact that we all make ourselves right so we may do what is wrong before God and thus condemn ourselves, and those who follow us and this skewed and wrong teachings, to exist outside of that which God demands.

Alas for you lawyers and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
Taking and making your converts twice as fit for hell as you are!
But blessed are those who hear God's commandments and keep them.
But if you deny God and teach error,
How do you think you will escape the time of trial?
How do you think cursing speaks of a God of love?
Or lies bear witness to a God of truth?
Religion is man's ultimate rebellion against God (or so Marx said),
Christianity is God's ultimate rebellion against sin!
I'd rather face the anger of sinners than have to explain why I was silent before them,
How I failed to speak against their sinful actions to God on the final day.
How about you?



Phillip said...

Well said.

UKViewer said...

I was just thinking more charity less hatred.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post - as a gay cleric I would ask no more than you offer (although have made my choices as to relationship). Tolerance and dialogue are the key and whilst we would disagree (I am sure) I feel that we might still be brothers and for that I thank you.

The peace of the Lord be with you

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Thank you for your comments.

All fall and are short of God's glory, it just seems that this is more obvious in some than others (and they might not be the ones you expect them to be).

Peace be with us all