Thursday 16 June 2011

Supporting those who have served

There is a fair chance that you, or someone you know, has served in one of the branches of HM Armed Forces. For most of us there is the history of the various conflicts ranging from the second World War that saw members of our family involved. Aside from that there have been numerous situations where our servicemen and women have seen action and been at risk and whilst today we think predominantly of Afghanistan and Iraq these days there are still many who served in Korea, Suez, Palestine, Cyprus, Bosnia and in a number of peacekeeping roles besides.

One of the best kept secrets is that the Royal british Legion (RBL) is not about 'smoke-filled drinking clubs populated by miserable old gits' (a description given to me by a young soldier) but is an organisation that supports and offers support to those who have served and their dependants. They canvas the politicians to act rightly regarding those who have served and those who continue to serve and are a very real source of solutions when problems come.

An example of this being that a while back I met someone who had served in the Navy. Their situation was such that they were strapped for cash and the principal wage-earner (who have never served by the way) was unable to work. When their washing machine went wrong, a tragedy even without the addition of a young child, and they had no means of replacing it, one telephone call to the relevant person (with their service number) meant that they were telephoned, the situation was assessed and a couple of days later they were in receipt of replacement 'white goods'.

Whilst 'Help for Heroes' (H4H) works solely for those who have been damaged through Iraq and Afghan the Legion works for all who have served. H4H and RBL work together, they are not in conflict with each other and each adds to, and supports, the work of the other.

So can I take the liberty of getting you to part with the sixteen pounds that an annual membership costs and join the RBL. If you read this and want to join a local branch, then yippee they need new blood. If you'd like to join but would rather have a national mebership, and if you'd like to support the NMA branch (dedication of the Standard 25th June at the NMA) and be a member of that, even better.

Either way, go to :


Click Here

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ps. And don't forget to support H4H too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I endorse this post and its content with ever fibre of my being. The chaps from the RBL helped me lay a war hero to rest last week, in inclement weather, impeccably turned out, and paid tribute to a man that they never knew.

Vic, thank you so much for this post. You are a hero too, mate