Thursday 27 May 2010

Sin is a binary entity!

From time to time we encounter people whose minds are so open that almost everything is permissible, everything except disagreeing with them that is! When encountering disagreement they complain about hateful attitudes, closed minds and the like. Ironically, it is these people who exhibit the very traits they so despise in others.

What we need when there is disagreement is dialogue, not insult. What we need is rational debate, not weird and wonderful extrapolations and misinformation which portray things that are not as if they are fact, using generalisations and speaking as if they are specifics.

Adopting a policy of "Agreeing to differ," is great when it comes to matters of cuisine and the like, but where the 'truths' are so very opposite this is flawed logic and poor theology. If, for instance, we have a black cube which another observer sees as white then agreeing to differ is folly. For it can only be one or the other, but not both. It's a binary quantity in that it's either a '1' or a '0' - 'on' or 'off', 'right' or 'wrong'. (I hope I have made this clear).

In almost all things before me, the question of choices and sin always comes down to whether they are '1' or '0' state events. I seek to do those things that are right and to stop doing things that are wrong. I don't always get it right, but I persevere. I seek not to sin, but sometimes I do - this is part of my fallen human nature - by bit by bit Jesus is healing me. And unlike the NHS, there's not waiting list or queues, the doctor will see you now!


1 comment:

UKViewer said...


Thank you for some timely thought. Perhaps agreeing to differ if the same as "Live and Let Live". Which can cause similar problems.

Issues left without dialogue tend to fester and to cause more harm. The problem you highlight appears to be one of believing that you have an open mind, when in fact the mind is shut tight in the jaws of a vice.

Right and Wrong are strong words to use today, especially as most people see things in shades of gray.

I think your way of trying to do what is right is possibly the only way. And when we fall, we seek forgiveness and try again.

None of the issues facing us are easy to overcome and each individual has a responsibility to themselves and the wider community to think them through in a spirit of charity and reconciliation and then to act in accordance with their conscience.

We all need a huge dose of the Holy Spirit with grace and love abounding to resolve differences and to move the Kingdom of God forward here and now. After all, that is what I believe we are here for?